PUBG online game becomes a disaster for players- A game technology causing problems

Moiz Siddiqui
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PUBG online game becomes a disaster for players- A game technology causing problems

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Technologies are for the betterment of ordinary people, not for pressure.

In today's modern world, many technological innovations have been made for the welfare and benefit of the world.

But, if we talk about games, there is only one game in this modern world, which has become a disaster for people, especially for the youth, it is called PUBG online game.

This game is really playing a bad role in life, and this PUBG online gaming technology has become one of the worst for people's health and life, and even forcing people for suicide.

PUBG online game review-A gaming disaster

PUBG is a game that means players unknown battle ground, an open field for unknown players from all over the world.

After sleeping all day, the youngsters go to unknown lengths to get the target by playing games all night and this does not seem to be the end of the series. Being in contact with your partner in an online game, it is also difficult to estimate the extent to which you can go in trying to beat your partners.

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PUBG online gaming is also causing mental health

However, this game has put people to sleep. Obviously, every father wants his child to be a capable, proficient, and successful person. To achieve this goal, every father works hard and worries about the future of his children.

This relationship between parents and children in every age, in every season, and in every situation and society, distinguishes man from all other living beings. Education and training of children is not a problem of today. Ever since man has settled on the earth, he has always worked hard for his children and family by putting himself in trouble and earning in all kinds of legal and illegal ways.

Technology has changed the society-like PUBG online game

The scale has changed over time, but so has the scale of children's success and their education. Now everything has changed in this century. Children are no longer children and the world of computers, the internet and entertainment have revolutionized which has affected the general and the special but the children have been more targeted.

Then the children of the poor were badly affected. For a common man nowadays, providing two meals a day to his family is a big target. In the world of science, computer game has changed a lot.

Sports activity has been ignored by the gaming world-specially by PUBG online game

At one time, sports were considered essential for health, but it was a healthy society in which a person could use his body and limbs to nerve and develop healthy tendencies.

Now the game that a person plays by sitting in front of the computer for hours has become a huge disease in addition to the loss of time and money.

PUBG games are currently played online by at least six million people.

Everyone in their world is bent on ruining their lives in the cycle of maximum target isolated from the rest of the world. Players of this game, usually young children, feel confident and are probably convincing their parents that they are certainly the biggest and most powerful people in the world.

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Unfortunately, all of these players are in this age group that will have responsibilities for themselves, their families, and their future. All such children were already no less of a problem for the parents but now these children are heading for disaster.

All children today consider their parents as an obstacle in the way of their happiness.

Poor parents do not see good and evil by selling all their assets to meet the demands of their children, they just want to see their children prosperous.

Middle-class children deal with stress but are less likely to express it, while children from powerful and wealthy families do not interfere with each other but do not have financial problems.

The whole world has involved playing online PUBG online game

The whole world is trying to get involved in this game using their mental potential. PUBG is a game. The young men who were once called Allama Iqbal Shah Hain and wanted to take them to the world beyond the stars, either turned out to be crazy about Indian movies and songs or became fans of Hollywood movie stars.

Let us give any name to these young people of today, but the truth is that today's children do not obey anyone, but today's turbulent times, and especially fighting against death and life, the wise man, Karuna, calling for punishment Yes, but young people go to bed early in the morning after opening the PUBG all night.

There is no prayer, no fasting, and no work for human welfare, I can't say anything beyond that.

PUBG (players unknown battleground) competitors

PUBG is really a game where youngsters can go through different stages and do anything on their mobile to get the maximum score. At present, in a poor country like Pakistan, many young people have lost their lives playing this game.

PUBG (players unknown battleground) creator role in all this scenario

The creator of this game, Brendan, is now playing in billions, trillions and children are stealing and plundering into a fog that has no future, although the main difference between man and the animal is that man has a body as well as intellect.

Therefore, like animals, he can live a better life by keeping his body and mind active, not just for food. In the old days, there were games like Gilli danda, kabaddi, wrestling, and running to keep the heart and mind of a person active.

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Later, as man progressed, the nature of games changed. Football, hockey, volleyball, tennis, kabaddi, cricket, table tennis, badminton, and hundreds of other regional, international games were introduced.

Nature stories was also a game in old times

In ancient times, discovering the secrets of nature stories was also a game that was fought on the mental level only to activate, but at that time neither resources were wasted nor any other harm was done to it.

Then at that time man's thinking was not so developed then he used to tell stories of fairies, giants, princes, gods, goddesses that would motivate, determine, and strengthen him.

Realizing the same thing, the ancient The Olympics began in Greece. The Olympic Games began in 776 BC, but the modern Olympics began in 1896 in Athens, Greece. Currently, the five major circles reveal the five greats in the Olympic Games.

Every four years, the Olympics are played in winter and summer, in which the inner strength of the human body and the strength of the body is revealed.

Games purposes are for reducing the stress, not increasing like PUBG online game

It has been decided that the game is the one that reduces the stress of the person, increases the tendency of competition in it, the person does not lose temper in both defeats and victories do not lose the foot of patience and perseverance all the time but PUBG all these Free of accessories.

It is said that the digestion of food is essential for health where a person needs food to survive, for which exercise is a basic condition because various chemical processes inside the body begin all the time.

In the world of science, fats, proteins, oils, carbohydrates cannot be solved unless a person works hard, works hard or exercises. Most of today's diseases are due to overeating.

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The most important causes of heart disease, muscle disease, joint pain, and diabetes are not exercising or participating in sports. Some people do not exercise or participate in any sport due to their compulsions and some engagements due to which such people become obese and there is no cure for them.

The ancients ate simple food and gained weight. The games of our time have changed but now if a person commits suicide in a game even if he is young then what is the use of such games and our games should not change so much.

Conclusion at last for online PUBG game experience

Therefore, all parents and society, including the government, should ban this type of sport and ignore and discourage such activities at all levels, because it has been directly effecting on young people minds badly, and causes suicide cases in numbers, especially in Pakistan and India, as well as all around the world.

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